Managed Print Services

Being an independent, vendor agnostic partner, means we’re perfectly positioned to offer an unbiased perspective and deliver ‘Best of Breed’ technologies and print services. This ensures that the best solutions, the right resources and support are combined into a total solution designed to cost-effectively meet your specific and unique needs. As well as choosing the right machine it is vital that you choose the right configuration for your specific school requirements.

We provide a “total Cost of Ownership” for your current situation and deliver a solution to maximise your printing experience. From single to multi users our solutions will provide affordability that can manage expenditure by cross charge departments and will enhance productivity and efficiency within your school.

Along with hardware we are accredited to offer added features to enhance the product. Print management software, Document management, intelligent remote user & device

There are a range of products which integrate seamlessly with your network and will change the way you view print management forever.

If you would like to discuss further and arrange a free no obligation review, please don’t hesitate to contact us.