School Website Audits

Now that the world is becoming more digitally driven, websites are a great way to showcase the success of your school and keep current students and parents up to date. However, when content is too difficult for users to find then the website isn’t performing the best that it could be, and this can have an impact on how you are represented as a school. Our digital marketing team have experience with how to help with Ofsted audits and general upkeep of school websites.

In addition to our social media management service, we also provide website audits that are in line with the current Ofsted requirements. These audits are a good insight into what information is essential to have on your website according to Ofsted and what information would be useful to have from a users perspective.

Alternatively, if you’re looking to tidy up or update your website, we can work alongside you to deliver an end result that you’re happy with and can easily maintain.  Keeping your school’s website neat and up to date is necessary, particularly when it comes to potential applicants as this is where they should be able to find out more about you and what you have to offer.


Please contact us if you have any queries regarding your website and we will be glad to help.